Terra Arrasada

Me lembro de ficar confusa. Como pode no meio do verão, com este sol, cair uma chuva dessas? Eu demorei pra entender, demorei pra procurar um lugar pra pra me abrigar. A segunda vez também foi…


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Water is Thicker Than Wine

It’s in My Blood

I could turn water into wine and string into 79,
what a sublime set of skills to possess.

I would kill to confess that this power is a fraud,
that any alchemy is a fallacy abroad,
far from the praise of domestic applause,
an implausible reality with no cause for pause.

But I would add a clause,
a subtext in fine print stating that my statements were colored with a tint.

A hue of hubris,
‘cause in actuality I do believe in magic.

I’ve seen it with my vision.

But it doesn’t take the form we traditionally envision.

It comes as a byproduct of tragedy,
the ability to overcome adversity,
but the adverse effects aren’t advertised equally.

Markets only care about the markups and marketing,
a bizarre behavior for a bazaar,
I think?

Hello, fellow wordsmith :). Thanks for reading, and if you enjoyed it, here’s my last post if you want to check it out:

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