How Realtors Are Selling 3 Homes in 5 DAYS Without Using Technology

I see agents trip up over technology all the time. Nowhere is the Digital Divide more apparent than in real estate. So they’re telling themselves that they’re ‘tech idiots’. I’ve even heard it…


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Guestimates a day keeps the fear of unstructured thinking away.

Easy one to start with:
Let’s guess the number of cars sold in Delhi (Why Delhi Later/on):
Let’s think thru the approach first and then build up on it.

Easy mode: Population — Income Group of families- Car ownership in no.(1, 2 or 3) in a family & Cabs — Divided by lifetime of a car. That’s it.

Population : ~2cr
Family types: HNIs & Ultra upper middle class ~5% with 2 cars each in a family

Upper Middle & Middle : ~25% — 1 car /fam

Let’s assume of this 30% families have personal driven car & 5% rely on commercial cabs
2*((5%*2 + 30%*1)/5
(family size)+(5%*1))

16lac+10lac= 26lac

Of this we can assume 70% cars are petrol, for family (15 years avg life)
For commercial cabs — 90% cars will be diesel/CNG (~10 years avg life)


= 2.25Lac approx+ 30% new owners/new car buyers (GIven 30% middle class being aspirational)

= 2.25*1.3= ~3Lac

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