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Web development in 2022

At times it might be tough to predict what technologies are going to take off and which ones will go down. That is especially a problem for beginner developers with little to no experience.

But worry not, here I am to unleash the truth behind mainstream technologies in web development that you might want to look into in 2022.

Disclaimer: Things listed in this article are in no specific order and the order in which you learn them should only rely on your priorities, goals and likes.

Everything starts with choosing the right tool and what a toolset would it be without such a fundamental thing as a programming language to code on.

Even though frontend development does not provide a huge selection of languages to choose from (it’s mostly just JavaScript), on the backend anyone can essentially use any programming language that can be used through WASM or has native web support.

I excluded NodeJS from the list for the sole reason of not reiterating over technologies that are already used by the vast majority of web development stacks.

#1 Rust

Great language for the development of highly performant systems. Its syntax is quite sugary and the language itself compared to the most of C family languages is very pleasing to deal with.

Combine it with WASM and you can now create crazy backends for your web apps.

#2 Typescript

JavaScript superset, that provides insanely convenient type safety and auto-completion in many modern IDEs. The industry is gradually shifting towards development on a type safe language and is transitioning away from the untyped JavaScript.

#3 Python

At this point, any self-respected developer should already have Python in their toolkit. The language is almost like JavaScript — learn once and use (nearly) everywhere. One can create small games, full-stack web apps, CLIs, etc. using Python only. It makes the language so convenient because of the fact that one does not even have to leave the Python programming environment once tucked into a project.

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