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The Importance Of Quality

What do you think about when you hear the word quality? To many people, it is measured in different ways, on different scales. But the one thing to remember is that quality, regardless of how you measure it, is important to everyone.

When you buy something new, you want it to not only work, but work well. The individual components should be able to withstand normal use and the manufacturing process should be more than just slapping it all together. You expect that some level of care is put into making that product, so that you as a consumer, can trust that what you’re buying is going to last an acceptable amount of time.

Quite often this statement is true, however in some cases the less expensive version that does the same thing is as good or a better option. Customer reviews and testimonials are a great resource that you can use when buying a product. While the trend of reviews is shifting from disgruntled customers airing their grievances to a more positive light, for every bad review it is estimated that there are 5–10 great experiences that you will never hear about.

Of course they can! On-time delivery, friendly service, and a quick response time with relevant answers is what you expect from any company that you deal with. That being said, making reasonable requests and patience will go a long way in getting what you want.

Whether a warranty is one year or lifetime, your expectation is that the product you’ve purchased will last at least that length of time, since that is what the manufacturer guarantees. A true high-quality product will almost always outlast the warranty, but a product that the manufacturer truly believes in, will be backed by a warranty that exceeds its expected lifespan.

No matter what you purchase, proper installation and recommended use will almost guarantee a prolonged lifespan, while simultaneously avoiding any issues should a warranty claim be required.

by Charlie Ricottone

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