The Importance Of Quality

What do you think about when you hear the word quality? To many people, it is measured in different ways, on different scales. But the one thing to remember is that quality, regardless of how you…


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After your children grow up and leave home , life changes …..

The family nest is no longer full … a challenge to adapt to the empty nest syndrome ….

It’s time for another transition ..

The refilling of the nest with precious little babies …now you’re stepping forward into a new role . Your family is growing again and you’re taking on a fresh title — that of a grandmother !

This is a beautiful time in your life !

Becoming a grandparent for the first time , realising that you’ve become the older generation , holding the new baby and marvelling at ‘ how small she is ‘ ,

all bring it home .

The cycle of life — you can see it now . You’ve taken your place on the other end of the cycle . I’m grateful that I’m able to experience this phase of my life and my grandchild is a part of it .

Becoming a grandmother for the first time …. it was a triple birth — of a mother , a baby and a grandmother .

It was unexpectedly overwhelming, amazing ! The love you have for your children is multiplied many times over as you gaze upon this new life !

Holding your new born grandchild , it all changes ! You take on the mysterious glow of a grandmother !

The child’s beauty , innocence and the miracle of life are reflected back on you !

My first grandchild ! I was jolted , blindsided by a wallop of loving more intense than anything I could remember or had ever imagined !

It was an incredibly special moment ! She was so tiny , precious, soft and warm ! She had that new baby smell ! And I was so pumped , my heart was on a trampoline ! I felt I was growing a whole new chamber in my heart ! So delicate , so beautiful , so sweet , every feature perfect ! I was overwhelmed with euphoria !

What explains this joy , this grandmother elation that is a new kind of love ? We grandmas ,

literally , actually fall in love ! 🥰

Ask almost any woman about her new grandchild , and she will light up all over ! Like a young woman in love !

It’s hard to describe the deep love that I felt for this tiny little grandchild of mine … I had heard people say that the love they feel for their grandchildren is like no other .. Now I can fully understand that .

Being a grandparent is not just about your beautiful grand children . It’s about your own children too . Watching your children turn into lovely , caring parents brings about a sense of pride . You can feel secure in the knowledge that you did an amazing job raising your kids .

There are no words to describe the pleasure found in holding your baby’s baby !

Somebody said a mother’s job is done when her last child leaves home … that somebody never had grandchildren !

Blessed are those who snuggle and hug , spoil and pamper , boast and brag … I’m a blessed grandmother !

Any day with my grandchild , in my arms , on my lap , in my home or on my mind is an amazing day !

Simple moments with my grandchild often become priceless memories … my heart glows and my soul shines when I see her … when she enjoys the food that I cook for her with love .. the thousand watts smile when she gets an unexpected pleasant surprise from me …the soul touching hugs I get when she runs into my arms , the cuddly byes while leaving …

It is so heartwarming when she plonks herself on my lap and commands me to narrate my childhood stories …. my heart somersaults with exceeding exhilaration when she combs my hair into two plaits ….

It is thrilling to watch her grow , her little quirks of stubbornness , her tinkling laughter , a proclivity for certain foods , or simply a familiar trait of her mother ! I’m amazed to see just how much I can see my child in this bundle of joy !

In the end , we grandmothers have always wanted the same things — we want our grandchildren to grow up happy and safe and to live good , long lives . We want our spiral helix of talents and quirks , bones and wit to tumble on across time .

Remaining time on this earth is relatively a short time since we have embarked on the last leg of our life . That is why it is important to embrace the things that matter the most in our lives , the things that bring you the most joy !

Someday , when the pages of my life end , my grandchildren will be one of its most beautiful chapters !

🌟 I was thinking what this little baby will call me ……

Ammamma ! The perfect name ! Music to my ears ! 🌟

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