Lamented humanity

I fail to understand how and to what extent can humanity be dreadful . It would be imprudent and unjustifiable to myself if chose not to express my views,was very shaken and aghast on the recent…


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My Top Favourite Toolkit for the iTerm

Here is the list of the tools, I’m using mostly in everyday work. I love terminal, bash and shell scripting. Usually, I’m using ZSH with my customized dotfiles, customizations with Powerline9k and other scripting tools helps me to deliver productivity and flexibility.

So In this list, I like to share the tools I’m using;



Bat (it’s pretty cat)

Gron transforms JSON into discrete assignments to make it easier to grep for what you want and see the absolute 'path' to it. It eases the exploration of APIs that return large blobs of JSON but have terrible documentation.

I switched from Curl (in most situations) to the HTTPie for it’s easy and convinent DSL for HTTP requests

It is simply, Node.js backend web server (like fileserver) to host directory of contents to make it accessible in localhost

It is zero-config tool to the make local http-server secure for me, adds support to SSL with trusted certificates, so easy to test SSL spesific environment
My favorite tool to cheatsheet. So easy syntax to access any cheatsheet in any programming language.

From the creators description; “Oh My Zsh is a delightful, open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration. It comes bundled with a ton of helpful functions, helpers, plugins, themes”.
This is actually great toolkit for my environment.

Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.

A collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins & themes inspired by the various awesome list collections out there.

Keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux)

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